Secure your business 打印机 to avoid getting hacked

To achieve foolproof 网络安全, you must make sure that every endpoint is protected from threats. That means securing every network, every server, every computer — and every printer. Because they’re easily overlooked, print 设备 can be exploited by hackers and used as an entry point to steal or modify data.

Buying 杀毒 软件? Consider the following points

You probably didn’t need to worry about 杀毒 保护 before. At the office, the IT department handled it. 在家里, your personal setup may not contain enough valuable information to warrant industry-strength. But because of the global pandemic forcing most of us to stay indoors, your home is now your office, 太.

Benefits of technology business reviews

Most small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) don’t possess the resources to run and maintain their IT infrastructure, let alone assess whether it’s still driving value for the company. 然而, if you want to ensure everything is running smoothly, it’s important to conduct technology business reviews whenever possible.

Don’t skip 安全审计 for your business

One step in the network 安全 cycle you should never skip is 安全 audit — doing so puts your business at risk of 网络攻击s and data loss. Read on to understand how 安全审计 can make or break your system integrity.
Auditing and the 安全 策略
Audits are necessary to maintain system integrity and uphold quality.

5 Bad 业务安全 practices

Companies — small- and medium-sized businesses, in particular — struggle to protect their data. For one, they make mistakes in the strategies they employ to protect their IT infrastructure. If your organization still does one or more of these bad 安全 practices, act quickly to correct them.

5 Most 常见的安全漏洞

These days, the 安全 of various IT systems is constantly being called into question. From attacks on mobile 设备 to ever-increasing types of malware, many businesses are struggling to stay on top of their 安全. One of the best ways to stay protected is to be aware of common 网络安全 issues.

Protect your network from 水坑攻击s

With evil elements continuously developing novel ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of the curve. Protect yourself from cybercriminals by learning more about their methods. Here are some tips to deal with the threat of 水坑攻击s:
What are 水坑攻击s?
Watering hole attacks are used to distribute malware onto victims’ computers in a similar way phishing activities are conducted.